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The United Kingdom needs fundamental change

Already we see that Labour are not thinking strategically about the causes of British decline. Tackling symptoms without the root causes is unlikely to be effective.

Only the people can bring about change. This book is a starting-point for discussion.

Read the book now if you would like UK society and governance improved.

Ignore the book if you are happy with everything the way it is.

E-book 9781907230226     £4.99   €4.99    USD4.99

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Hardback 9781907230202

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Reading sample 

International crime, thriller, detective / mystery

Three gripping books


All our fiction titles are printed with a traditional serif font suitable for all ages to read.  Our e-books use a font especially designed for screen reading

The Eloquence of Desire



Thomas Brown's brilliant writing: mild horror/mystery and urban fiction/new adult


Three British Mystery Novels (above)

Our omnibus edition combining A Taste for Blood, Ellipsis and Lynnwood, makes a superb reading gift


Brian Congahan's first book is for older teens


Adventure stories for ages 8 and upwards

Especially suitable for

<<  Boys: Peregrine Harker & The Black Death

Girls: Petronella and the Janjilons  >>

Good readers: Petronella & The Trogot  >>


For those in business or interested in the economy, finance and politics


Drama (comedy)

Italian and English

parallel text



Titles available only as e-books

  International crime and mystery, cross-genre women's fiction The famous detective returns in ten gripping tales Options that the Johnson government ignored  

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