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Please click any title to learn more and read the free sample (preview).  Trade visitors, please also see trade info  and catalogue

Translation rights: we also represent authors for translation rights.  See rights catalogues:  Detective series   Children's   All represented titles

Also:  Historical fiction, Urban fiction/New adult, International crime          All mystery, crime, detective and (mild) horror


Changing the course of British politics?

Click cover for more information, or choose a link below

"A compelling and clear pathway out of Britain’s failing political morass towards a brighter, truly democratic future.” - The European


“A powerful, persuasive, and timely wake-up call for transforming the UK into a federal state. A must-read.” Richard Moriarty - The Sun

E-book 9781907230226

Hardback 9781907230202


Info, articles, bookstores 

Reading sample 

Three minute You Tube slide show 

International crime, thriller, detective / mystery

Three gripping books


All our fiction titles are printed with a traditional serif font suitable for all ages to read.  Our e-books use a font especially designed for screen reading

The Eloquence of Desire



Thomas Brown's brilliant writing: mild horror/mystery and urban fiction/new adult


Three British Mystery Novels (above)

Our omnibus edition combining A Taste for Blood, Ellipsis and Lynnwood, makes a superb reading gift


Brian Congahan's first book is for older teens


Adventure stories for ages 8 and upwards

Especially suitable for

<<  Boys: Peregrine Harker & The Black Death

Girls: Petronella and the Janjilons  >>

Good readers: Petronella & The Trogot  >>


For those in business or interested in the economy, finance and politics


Drama (comedy)

Italian and English

parallel text



Titles available only as e-books

  International crime and mystery, cross-genre women's fiction The famous detective returns in ten gripping tales Options that the Johnson government ignored  

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